Curated content

No content? Use real-time notifications

Best practice concepts for adding content, including the use of real-time notifications.
Video Resource

Content Organization

Understand how and why content is automatically organized.
Video Resource

Using Tags

An overview of tags: what they are, why they are important, and how to use them.
Video Resource

Content item features

Various features of content items, including the ability to add digital coupons, images, videos and responses in your own voice.
Video Resource

Yelp-enabled content items

How to use the additional capabilities available with content items that are connected to Yelp.
Video Resource

The Content Generator

Let AI do the heavy lifting to build out your curated content.
Video Resource

Using Custom Organized content

An overview of the optional method of organizing content where you have full control.
Video Resource

Additional Content Sources

Easily add large sets of information to the AI’s knowledge pool.
Video Resource

Content backups

Capabilities to protect the investment you have made in your content.
Video Resource
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